Calling All Interns
Pacific Edge Limited has successfully employed undergraduate and graduate interns into its science and marketing programs for several years. These young students bring vibrant enthusiasm and make a strong contribution to their projects. We have been fortunate to obtain funding from Callaghan Innovation for 8 interns in the past three years. The interns benefit from spending time in a commercial environment and working under the disciplines of a business structure.
Pacific Edge is now actively working with the University of Otago to increase the visibility of the internship programme, with proposed communications promoting the value of real experience of science in a commercial environment.
Pacific Edge interns will be exposed first-hand to research and development that aims to make a meaningful difference for science and innovation, for patients' health and well-being, and for global health care processes.
For more information of Pacific Edge Limited's Intern program, please contact interns@pacificedgedx.com
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