Pacific Edge 2015 Annual Meeting Results
Pacific Edge held its Annual Meeting in Dunedin on 13 August 2015 with the Chairman and the CEO updating shareholders on the company’s positive performance in the financial year to date and confirming that Pacific Edge remained on track to achieve its goal of $100 million in gross revenue by its fifth full year of trading.
Chairman Chris Swann said: “Our high growth strategy is firmly in place and we are now starting to see some good traction from our long term investment. We are building the scale of our business by creating more products and driving sales of our novel Cxbladder tests in an increasing number of markets."
“The USA is our primary market and offers a massive opportunity for our company, with millions of potential test opportunities. We are making good inroads in the USA and although it is still early days, we have some exciting initiatives now in place which could be transformational.”
Chief Executive Officer, David Darling, provided shareholders with an update on Pacific Edge’s progress against its stated objectives for FY16.
“We remain firmly focused on high growth and are already making excellent progress on our well considered plan of action for the year.
“Ongoing investment is being made into increasing the size of Pacific Edge’s USA sales team as we continue to build our footprint in this significant market.
“User Programmes, where urologists can trial Pacific Edge’s products in their own clinical setting, are an important part of the company’s sales strategy. A significant User Programmer with Kaiser Permanente, one of the USA’s largest not for profit health insurers and providers, is now underway and following this, we will be looking to transition them into a commercial customer in 2016.
“Discussions are progressing with the Centre for Medicare and Medicaid Services and Pacific Edge is now one step further along in its application to be added to the Federal Supply Schedule, which provides access to the millions of patients served by the Veteran’s Administration. These are both large scale organisations which could be transformational customers for our company.
“We are also finalising our business case for entry into South East Asia and have launched a User Programme with the prestigious Tan Tock Seng hospital in Singapore. There are two distinct segments of interest in South East Asia: Firstly, patients requiring testing and management for bladder cancer, in the same way as our other markets. Secondly and more unique to South East Asia, is the rapidly growing number of medical tourists who come to the region for regular wellness and medical checkups, where our Cxbladder tests could be a part of a variety of tests offered to patients seeking an annual wellness regime.
“Product development is continuing with the launch of Pacific Edge’s second Cxbladder product, Cxbladder Triage, in the USA in July 2015. Commercial laboratory processing is expected to commence in October. In line with this, the company has received CLIA approval for the commercial processing of US based patient samples for this new test for its Dunedin laboratory and expects to have approval for its Hershey based laboratories by October.
“A further two products are in the pipeline and we are on track to deliver our third product to the market later this year. Pacific Edge is now one of only a handful of companies globally who have multiple, bespoke, molecular diagnostic tests in the market.
“The final objective for 2016 is to engage with the people that matter – those suffering from bladder cancer and their families. Pacific Edge is proud to be the leading sponsor of an online patient community site, bladdercancer.me, which provides online, relevant resources for bladder cancer patients including peer support, access to appropriate healthcare providers and symptom tracking.”
David Darling concluded by saying growth was expected to pick up pace over the next year as efforts in the USA were expanded and the company continued to build towards its goal of generating $100 million of gross revenue.
A copy of the annual meeting presentation and speeches is available on the company website.
Shareholders voted in favour of all resolutions at the 2015 Annual Meeting.
Resolution |
Re-election of Mr Anatole Masfen |
Passed |
Re-election of Mr Bryan Williams |
Passed |
Authorise Directors to fix the auditors’ remuneration |
Passed |
Pursuant to NZX Main Board Listing Rule 3.3.2, Pacific Edge has determined that the following directors are independent, as defined in Listing Rule 1.6.1
Chris Swann (Independent Chairman)
David Band
Charles Sitch
Bryan Williams
The following directors are not Independent Directors due to a Disqualifying Relationship as defined in Listing Rule 1.6.1:
David Darling: An executive of Pacific Edge
Anatole Masfen: An Associated Person of a Substantial Security Holder of the Company.
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