Pacific Edge Sees Strong Interest in Cxbladder at AUA Meeting
Pacific Edge is today pleased to report strong interest in its advanced genomic biomarker Cxbladder tests from the recently-concluded American Urological Association (AUA) Annual Meeting in New Orleans.
The AUA meeting is the biggest event on the US and global urological conference calendar, attracting thousands of urologists, oncologists, researchers, educators, and healthcare professionals and companies from around the world.
Pacific Edge has been a long time and significant sponsor of the AUA and dramatically increased its presence in the main exhibition hall, while also sponsoring key sessions for Veterans Affairs and the newly created “Bladder Cancer Forum”.
The forum, hosted by the research organisation the International Bladder Cancer Group (IBCG) heard expert international panellists across bladder cancer disciplines delivering lectures on contemporary bladder cancer management, as well as treatment strategies in challenging disease states. The forum was moderated by Dr. Ashish Kamat (MD Anderson Cancer Center) and Dr. Sima Porten (UCSF).
Pacific Edge’s CEO, Dr. Peter Meintjes says: “We have been delighted with the interest we have received in Cxbladder at the AUA. Many oncologists expressed a strong desire for advanced genomic biomarkers to break through into the guidelines where simpler biomarkers have under-delivered.
“The performance characteristics established in Pacific Edge’s catalogue of peer-reviewed publications and, the more than 500 monthly users of Cxbladder products and the exciting clinical utility studies roadmap have spurred significant optimism that Cxbladder can address a number of unmet needs in the urological care pathway.
“Ongoing clinical studies continue to demonstrate Cxbladder’s role in facilitating the early detection of urothelial cancer and helping clinicians rule out urothelial cancer for low-risk patients presenting with haematuria, thereby offering opportunities to reduce unnecessary and invasive cystoscopies.
“In the specialist setting, Cxbladder has demonstrated its ability to help clinicians adjudicate diagnostic dilemmas (most commonly equivocal cystoscopy and atypical cytology) to enable earlier detection of tumours and to help treatment prioritisation.
“In the surveillance setting, Cxbladder has been shown to reduce the frequency of surveillance cystoscopy, sparing patients the potential risks, discomfort, and anxiety from cystoscopy, without compromising detection rates. It can also free up resources to be focused on patients most in need and facilitate compliance with cancer surveillance and management regimes.”
The tests are also covered for reimbursement by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
“After two years of COVID affecting such important gatherings, the AUA meeting offers Pacific Edge unmatched opportunities to engage with the clinicians that regularly order Cxbladder tests to assess and manage their patients’ care. Conferences are an ideal forum to engage with clinicians,” says David Levison, Executive Chairman of Pacific Edge’s operations in the US.
“Events such as these take urologists away from the daily pressures of their clinical practice. The relaxed and informal setting gives them opportunities to focus on the latest developments in their field and discuss them with their colleagues and leading clinicians.”
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