Published economic model demonstrates significant savings for healthcare payers
A budget impact model on the health economics of Cxbladder Detect has been published in the American Urological Association (AUA) Journal “Urology Practice”, and shows that routine use of Cxbladder offers healthcare payers substantial savings for the evaluation and treatment of patients presenting to clinicians with microhematuria.
The budget impact model for Cxbladder Detect, developed by Pacific Edge, and authors from the Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, and independent healthcare consultancy Coreva using national average data, has demonstrated median savings of $559 in direct costs per patient.
The model compares the AUA guidelines as a Standard of Care pathway to an alternative Cxbladder clinical pathway. Microhematuria patients in the Standard of Care pathway are stratified in line with AUA guidelines based on clinical factors into low risk, intermediate risk and high risk, while patients in the Cxbladder clinical pathway are risk stratified into AUA high risk (Detect positive) and AUA low risk (Detect negative).
The authors noted this cost saving strengthens the argument for Cxbladder Detect beyond the clinical value of deferring or avoiding cystoscopies and imaging, sparing thousands of patients these unnecessary procedures.
“This study shows for the first time that doing the right thing for the patient is also cost effective for the health system payers,” says Pacific Edge Senior Medical Director Daniel Shoskes, who is a co-author of the study and Emeritus Professor of Urology at the Cleveland Clinic. “Furthermore, this model does not account for indirect savings and other opportunities such as decreased waiting time for appointments and procedures, the cost and inconvenience for patients of coming in for unnecessary visits, and the environmental impact of eliminating the carbon footprint and medical waste from unnecessary medical procedures.”
View the Study Abstract on PubMed.
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